When people find out that I'm a photographer they usually say something like, "That's great! I have always wanted to do that." or "You are lucky! I couldn't afford to get started in something like this." I usually respond with wide eyes and an enthusiastic "I love Photography! What's holding you back?" Then give them a tip or two on how to get started. You can still take phenomenal pictures with a "point and shoot" camera, with the right location, moment and or equipment. I used to own an iPhone (until I took it swimming...oops) and I was able to take some great pictures with the built in camera. I believe it was only a 3MP sensor, however these photos are great for the web!
Here's two important tips to travel the road of an amateur photographer:
1. Take your camera with you EVERYWHERE YOU GO! You never know when you'll need it AND with every click of the shutter means more experience. If you see something that meets your interest...take a picture and don't hold back!
2. Purchase a user friendly photo editing/organizing software. I recommend purchasing a Mac which usually comes with iPhoto, iDVD and iMovie which help you streamline what you want to do and look like a professional. Trust me. If you don't want to go the Mac route then purchase Adobe Photoshop Elements or comparable software and get used to the layout and powerful editing tools which they offer.
Once you are comfortable with your camera and the different settings and the editing software, then you can consider an upgrade to perhaps a better camera. I recommend purchasing a digital camera of 8MP or higher because they keep getting less expensive and more bang for your buck. The higher quality point and shoot's will run you a bit more money but will be well worth the purchase. Canon, Nikon and Leica make excellent point and shoots that actually turn out better than many SLR format cameras. If you want to do some research on camera's and software I suggest www.toptenreviews.com and www.bhphotovideo.com . Enjoy you daily journey's and let me know of your successes!
From the Lens,
Josh Spray

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