My thoughts exactly. Now go set up a photo of that and send it on over.
I would like to welcome "Nettie" to our group of participants! She is so excited to compete, she has already sent me over photos for EVERY past Daily Photo Challenge! Go check them all out!
Remember you can vote for your favorite photographer every day using our nifty vote counters which are located at the bottom of each challenge.
Photo Tip of the Day - Exposure: An image is over exposed if there is no detail in the highlights and underexposed if there is no detail in the shadows. Your photo editor should contain what's called a "Histogram", it looks like a sometimes colorful mountain graph and is usually found at the top right corner of your program. The left of the histogram represents the shadows and the right side represents the highlights. If you aren't able to tell if your photo is over or underexposed just by looking at it, your histogram will surely tell you. Do some research on your histogram, play around with the dials/levels a bit to get a feel for what it can do.

Nettie - West Jordan, Utah - "My Husband Did It"
Josh Spray - Heber, Utah - Headlights

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