Saturday, February 20, 2010

Photo Challenge Day 14: Footwear

Footwear - articles to be worn on the feet, as shoes, slippers, boots or any other thing you can think of that might be fun to take a picture of!

Daily Photo Tip: The Rule of Thirds - Perhaps one of the most well known photographic techniques is the rule of thirds. Dissecting the viewfinder into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so there are 9 parts (see photo below). Most digital cameras will have this grid available in "live view" mode, which will help you visualize better and set up your shot. The purpose of this grid is to align your focal points in the intersecting parts, because these are natural points people generally turn to when looking at a picture. If this does not work out when you take the picture, use your crop tool and grid to make your focal point along these lines and intersections. Try it out!

Crystal @ Fresno, CA- Hot Feet

Jergis - West Jordan, Utah - Bear Footwear

Nettie - West Jordan, Utah - New Mens Fashion in Footwear

Which Photographer Best Captured "Footwear"?
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Photographer 2
PHotographer 3
Photographer 4
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1 comment:

  1. Hey Josh-
    I am sure you could adjust your template if you go into your Layout HTML so that full pictures show up, instead of cutting off the last 1/4. If you need help let me know and I can do it for you.
