Monday, March 1, 2010

Photo Challenge Day 20: Reflection

"I'm thinking...I'm thinking..." -The Thinking Man Statue
Reflection - an image; representation; a counterpart; a fixing of thoughts on something; careful consideration; anything you interpret it to be;

Daily Photo Tip: Framing - One of the easiest and best ways to jazz up your photos is to frame your subject. Something I ran into when I started was to place my subject in the very center of my viewfinder, where the little square is located. I didn't bother zooming in or moving closer to the object. Look at all the corners of your viewfinder and see what is there, avoid clutter or a busy background and try to isolate the subject by zooming or moving closer, and by choosing either landscape or portrait or any other angles that would be appropriate. Keep in mind also background objects that might appear to be sticking out of someones head (lamp post, pillar, building etc).

#1 Jergis - West Jordan, Utah - Crystal Reflections

#2 Nettie - West Jordan, Utah - Peaceful Mountain Reflection

#3 Josh Spray - Heber, Utah - Vivian's Mirror

#4 - LB - Draper, Utah - Duck Walk

Which Photographer Best Captured "Reflection"?
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Photographer 2
PHotographer 3
Photographer 4
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