Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekly Photo Challenge - Drink

Drink - Any potable liquid, especially other than water, as tea, coffee, beer or milk (or anything liquid that you can potentially drink). In a cup, out of a cup, in your mouth, out of your mouth; tropical flavor, not tropical flavor; Enjoy.

Weekly Photo Tip - "Cloudy" Feature: Most point and shoot and DSLR cameras will have a function represented by a cloud. This is typically found in the White Balance section of your menu or dial. I have read and also found this function to work great to eliminate "cold" or "blue" lighting in my photos. Next time you are shooting in the sunlight, with a flash or with any indoor natural lighting, try this setting to get a more natural, warm look to your photos.

#1 - Nettie - West Jordan, UT - Drink

#2 - Kim - Utah - Small Drink

#3 - Josh - Heber, Utah - Irish Carmanilla

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