Thursday, March 4, 2010

Photo Challenge Day 23: Symmetrical

Beauty based on or characterized by such excellence of proportion; the proper of due proportion of the parts of a body or whole to one another with regard to size and form; excellence of proportion;

Daily Photo Tip: Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical - Nine times out of ten, asymmetrical is preferred to today's eyes, placing the main object away from the center of the viewfinder using the rule of thirds. However, some of the most stunning photos you will ever take are symmetrical, or proportionally balanced with the main object in the exact center of the viewfinder. I read this morning a short tip about ( ) "Two Shot Strategy - Symmetry" and thought you might want to try it out! For the next month, every photo you take, try taking one symmetrical and one asymmetrical of the same scene or object, to add an additional option for your bag.

#1 - Nettie - West Jordan, Utah - Spots

#2 - Josh Spray - Heber, Utah - Fregadero

#3 - Jergis - West Jordan, Utah - Cup Holders

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